HEHES, finally exam over le, can relax...
haha..got to post about today!!
and guess wat, my english test past...yeahyeah(:
So got the mood to go watch movie with my classmate, linhui, teomin and samantha at AMK hub, saw amira my primary school friend!!! so happy
Ohya, thanks samantha for treating me to go watch the show!!!
The movie we watch is "where got ghost?"
Hehes, we saw xiaowei and nicole..they are watching the same show as us too!!(:
We actually wanted to watch the 1.45 pm de, but then no more seat available, sad): so we watch the 3.25pm de lor...hahas
Is like damn scary can? Me, Samantha and Teomin is like shouting all the time lor, make Linhui buay da han us!!!:P
Stupid Samantha is like kicking me from the start of the show till the end of the show lor, scare me sia!!! cos is like people scratching my leg...while i was watching ghost movie..dots..
After finish watching..Teomin when home,"Dan" called me!!haha:P then we talkedtalked chatchat for awhile...then the Samantha & linhui keep disiao me lor...YOU ALL TWO GOOD(:
After chat finish, i go home den "Dan" msg me!!
We promise each other already, if got time, go watch movie together..yeah!! he treating me :P
BYEBYE : should end the talk here!!! =)